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of Original Projects Currently Under Development for 2017
the live links to these products will be activated when they are ready. Keep stopping back by!
Conscious TransitionsConscious transitions: Being a Doula for Death & Dying for people and their Pets | Conscious ConceptionDiscusses the New Wave of Human being For Conscious conception through Childbirth | Simon The Curious Penguin (JPEG)A fabulous tale of courage & adventure and coloring book for children. Illustrations by Lanna & Tara Bryan |
Meet BubbleBeeFollow Bubblebee from birth after birth in a delightful disovery of who he is and what he can BEE. A visual delight | The Book of DreamsSet in the Northern Territories of Australia a brave little girl copes with loss as she soon discovers that her greater story is hunting her. On the eve of her mother's untimely death Ellie inherits a magical Book that takes her on an adventure beyond her wildest save the Last Oouliphaunt A book for children and Inner children Everywhere. | Angels Are Among UsA book that about working with the Angels from 3D to 5D. coming late 2017 |
T-shirt coming soonDo you follow the signs and synchronicities of your life? The saying "It might be something" comes from the Aboriginal idea that when one gets a nod from the Universe, It might be something so pay attention! | T Shirt for sale soonBe Abundant and an original at the same time. This t-shirt design by Lanna coming soon. Available for men and women |
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