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Energy Philanthropy

I am so very pleased to share with you that per Guidance from Spirit I am gradually changing the energy structure of my life and my business by switching from a standard 3D business model into living and teacher as an Energy Philanthropist.  This is in keeping with all the the teachings and principles that I have been learning from my guides  and I will be talking more about this in the months to come. What this means right now is that  I will be gradually making more and more of my body of work available on my website in the form of audios and books available as open sourced.  Those who resonate with heart centered living and the field of Energy Philanthropy  and that are living in your heart and welcome to make a donation for those materials or to support my work .  Thank you so much!!!!  If you feel called to donate there is a button on the sessions page.


The words : Energy Philanthropy have such a beautiful energy field.  Doesn't that just feel good to say this out loud?  YES!!!!!  I am smiling even as I write these words.  I got the term from my beautiful friend Marina Jacobi who has written two excellent books and also teaches about 5D principles about the Quantum structure and manifestation. You can find them by going to her website by clicking the button:   



True abundance is not predicated on conditional reality or dependent upon the old monetary system. 

When you make the shift from 3D and your head to your heart, the highest form of holographic manifestation and abundance  occurs because one is living, giving  and dynamically interfacing with the heart field and the Vivaxis energies . This takes you directly into 5D awareness and living.


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© 2019 Copywright Lanna Spencer All Rights Reserved

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