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About Me & The New Wave of Human Being


I was born already remembering who I was with multidimensional awareness, strong multifaceted psychic abilities and an open connection to the Earth energies, grids, & spirit world. For me, this is as natural as breathing and I believe that what I embody & experience is an example of what we are all moving towards en- masse we are undergoing a revolution in consciousness, fueled by love,  and are making a paradigm shift out of separation (3D) into Oneness where everyday life is lived and expressed from our awakened hearts and our actions express the light and the power of our essence and innate intelligent blueprint.


You who are here reading this page are already awake and feel the deeper connections and energies that move to you and through you even though you don't fully understand your part in all of this. This is natural.  I have watched the world wake up, and me within it,  all my life, as a beautiful, progressive and dynamic dance of bio-evolution throughout the cosmos and here on earth.  I see many-dimensional frameworks and the ways consciousness, perception, light, sound & sacred geometry express through those vantage points and am able to help people navigate their awakening journey. 


What is happening is that we are awakening and emerging into the New Wave of Human Being©™


Earth is undergoing a huge paradigm shift.  The planet has shifted from a third Dimensional “3D” linear time-based perspective of reality and is awakening into a multidimensional perspective within” 5D”.  With all major paradigm shifts comes a period of dynamic expansion, great tension & transition where both perspectives exist simultaneously within us and in our outer world until a tipping point occurs and a consensus is attained by the collective consciousness.


For most, this new way of being is uncharted territory. Humanity is currently in a dynamic state of expansion while simultaneously learning to bridge the old and the new paradigm. It can be quite challenging to see, sense, or feel yourself as part of something larger, freer, and more expansive on the one hand while also simultaneously undergoing a sense that everything that you previously knew is somehow deconstructing and reconstructing itself into something completely new and sometimes indescribable. Then there is the practical question of what to do with all of this new consciousness information and SHIFTING?  How is this useful? How can I make this new awareness my own and put it into practice in a whole new way of being? What is the major difference between perceiving through the 3D lens versus my 5D self?  


For over 40 years now I have been quietly teaching quantum awareness, progressive awakening, doing cosmic inner child work, shamanism and Soul Retrieval while showing ways to more deeply awaken to the cosmos, interdimensional exchange, and resonate within new earth as the new wave of human being.  


Are you ready to stop doubting and holding back or simply want to find new tools to open, surrender and trust the light that you are and learn to fully access and express it so that you can share your gift with others?


As you begin to interact with your wider nature an energetic bridge is formed within you.  There in the center of your Heart lies a magical gateway.  Shifting into the perspective of 5D (the Multiverse) allows you to experience your wholeness.  The density & burdens of your past Karmic experiences can be re-purposed & lifted from you allowing your Magical being to emerge; dynamically present & joyfully curious as you begin to engage in a whole new type of Cosmic adventure with your life and the Universe. 


My classes and 1 on 1 sessions are designed to help you fully awaken into your 5D awareness and how to live and use the higher laws of energy philanthropy and manifestation  




Bright blessings-Lanna

Why I Teach

 “I teach for Love & because I can show you how to fully awaken your heart & reconcile the painful gaps between your humanness and your full Soul expression.  I can take you into the brilliance and flow of the cosmic Life stream again and again, as many times as you like until you feel like you are home within yourself, fully whole, focused and being at peace in your skin and in your life. What could be more fulfilling than that?  Lanna

While trying to pass for normal I went to college.  

I am a MInister of the Universal Life Church and also hold Degrees as a Registered Nurse and Human Services.  

 Testimonial of Justice Barlett  at          


“As we continue to grow and evolve as energetic beings, we will continue to discover that we are in a relational dance with EVERYTHING!  Everyone can benefit from Lanna's magical work and the exploration and clarification of what being in conscious relationship means, whether you are looking for harmony in family, romance, or are looking to take your business to the next frontier as an entrepreneur, Conscious Relationship MUST be part of the emerging 5D paradigm! Yes!!!"  Justice Bartlett

“I am always amazed by how effortlessly Lanna holds up the mirror to my 5D blind spots and then melts them away in a matter of minutes, often while talking, telling stories and laughing at the same time. If you get the chance to work with her, do it!!”  MP, Florida  

© 2019 Copywright Lanna Spencer All Rights Reserved

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